The lockdown crisis made it impossible to dine in the restaurant. Take the "Shabu Skewers" menu to sell as delivery or sell at the store. It works because it comes in a skewer form, easy to eat, and the price is not expensive. Guaranteed that customers will enjoy buying! Let's see how to make clear soup, black soup, sukiyaki sauce, ponzu sauce, including a list of ingredients, recommended equipment for those who want to start selling, including the cost per skewer and Shabu skewers per serving.
Recommended ingredient list for skewered shabu
Recommended equipment list for skewered shabu
Cost per piece
Plus an example of calculating the cost of shabu skewers (1 serving)
Calculating the cost of shabu skewers per serving
Special price for business starter kit!
Makro Horeca Academy
“Makro creates careers” to expand million-baht business
With a special price for a career-building menu and a business starter kit
Let's build on the business to be sustainable.
Fight together with Makro Horeca Academy
From 14 July 2021 – 27 July 2021
At Makro, only at Srinakarin, Bang Bon, Ram Intra branches
Salaya and Bang Bua Thong
Or order through Makro, click >>