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ปลากระพงทอดแช่น้ำปลา เมนูที่ต้องสั่งทุกโต๊ะ! จากร้าน Waterside Resort Restaurant

Fried sea bass in fish sauce, a must-order menu for every table! From Waterside Resort Restaurant

“The most popular menu items are Fried sea bass in fish sauce It’s a menu that everyone who comes must order. There was a time when we were at our peak and we made about 470 dishes in one day. If you calculate, that means there were about 4,700 customers that day,” said Khun Somporn Plaengthaisong, Executive Chef of the restaurant. Waterside Resort Restaurant told Makro Horeca Academy and revealed the recipe for fried sea bass in fish sauce for Makro Horeca Academy readers to use to develop their own restaurants.
Read the full interview and reveal the recipe for “Crab Egg Curry with Pickled Bamboo Shoots”, another best-selling menu from Chef Somporn Plaengthaisong, Executive Chef of Waterside Resort Restaurant, in Raw Materials Magazine, Volume 4/2019. “The ocean is the world’s largest food source” from Makro Horeca Academy
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