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Avocado menu ideas imported from Australia for New Year's Eve parties

Makro selects and opens the experience "Fall in love with Aussie Avocados", imported avocados from Australia, fresh, direct from the source, special price at Makro. Shop for ingredients at Makro or Makro Pro:
Sushi donuts with Salmon Avocado

A super cute menu that must be at any party: Sushi donuts with Salmon Avocado. Transform sushi into donut form, topped with salmon. Full of high nutritional value, goes well with cucumber and good quality avocado. Must be #Australian avocado that has been taken care of by farmers who strictly follow the standards for creating safe and sustainable products. High quality, reliable and safe for all consumers.

Avocado from Australia, delicious, fragrant, fresh, direct from the source, full of many benefits, buy at a special price at Makro or Makro Pro:
Avocado Deviled Eggs

Easy and delicious, plus it helps detoxify your liver, with the Avocado Deviled Eggs menu, or what is known as deviled eggs. These are seasoned eggs stuffed with avocado and mayonnaise, adding crunchiness by sprinkling bacon. It is easy to add color to a party. It is suitable for snacking and is also healthy.
  • Egg Boiling Tip: Hard boil eggs the night before the party and refrigerate them to save time.
  • Tips for choosing avocados: Try to feel around the stem. If the flesh is soft and has a light brown or dark brown color, it is a perfectly ripe avocado with firm flesh. It is ideal for eating fresh and making Avocado Deviled Eggs.
Introducing Australian avocados, delicious, fragrant, fresh, direct from the source, full of many benefits. Buy at a special price at Makro or Makro Pro:
Avocado Canape

Bite-sized canapes that are delicious and enjoyable at every party. Avocado Canape is often served at parties and cocktail parties, paired with simple drinks. The word Canape means a small piece of food that can be eaten in one bite. It is made from small crackers, smoked salmon, cream cheese, and of course, a smooth and creamy avocado. It is another delicious bite that you will never forget.
Introducing Australian avocados, delicious, fragrant, fresh, direct from the source, full of many benefits. Buy at a special price at Makro or Makro Pro:
Sandwich with Egg Avocado salad

Sandwiches are a universal snack menu. Whether it's for a party, selling in the morning or for customers who are on a diet, it's all possible! In the Sandwich with Egg Avocado salad menu, a sandwich with salad mixed with eggs and avocado that has been mashed to make a smooth, soft texture. Eat with toppings Drink it and you will definitely enjoy the delicious taste.
Introducing Australian avocados, delicious, fragrant, fresh, direct from the source, full of many benefits. Buy at a special price at Makro or Makro Pro:
Jus Alpukat

Secret deliciousness with the drink menu Jus Alpukat from Indonesia. The word Jus comes from the word Juice, Alpukat comes from the word Avocado. Avocado is blended until smooth, mixed with a little syrup, chocolate is squeezed inside the glass, topped with whipped cream, or try adjusting it to add honey, yogurt, lime, it's delicious.
Introducing Australian avocados, fully ripe, perfect for making this menu. Delicious, fragrant, fresh, direct from the source, full of many benefits. Buy at a special price at Makro or Makro Pro:
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