Create a Western food menu, a meat lover's paradise!
This Makro HoReCa Workshop activity offers entrepreneurs the opportunity to learn fusion Western cooking techniques, along with techniques for creating a variety of dishes from a few ingredients, by Chef Daniel Altos, an expert in Western cuisine.
The chef presented Western food with beef as the main ingredient, creating easy-to-make menus and combining Mexican cooking ideas with European ones. Each menu uses a method of stocking a small amount of ingredients because the chef thinks that ordinary restaurants have small kitchen space and cannot stock a lot of ingredients. In addition to using a small amount of ingredients, the overall cost of each dish is not expensive. In addition, the ingredients can be easily purchased at Makro. The dishes are beautifully presented, increasing the value very well. In addition, entrepreneurs are taught to use their knowledge and techniques in making menus to further develop ideas for creating new menus and apply them to their own restaurants. Before starting the first menu, the chef taught how to make meatballs and Mexican spices to be used as important ingredients in the following menus.
Mexican Ground Beef and Potato WafflesMexican-Irish style food. Stir-fried beef with Mexican spices, crushed tomatoes, and red beans to create a deliciously spicy beef. Served with hot waffle potatoes and sour cream to cut the spiciness of the beef. Delicious and perfectly balanced.
Mexican Meat Patty Tzatziki SauceA Mexican-Greek dish featuring meatballs seasoned with cheese and Mexican peppers. Don't be afraid of the spiciness because it's served with tzatziki sauce, which is mainly made from Greek yogurt.
German Meatballs with Cottage CheeseGerman style food, easy to make, suitable for both children and adults. Meatballs are mixed with cottage cheese and mustard, into small bite-sized pieces, placed on salad greens, topped with sesame salad dressing, and served with French fries to add value to this dish.
German Meatballs, Truffle Mushrooms and BaconFrench style food with meatballs mixed with truffle sauce, wrapped in large pieces of bacon, I assure you that you will smell the aroma from afar. Placed on rocket, it can be served on a metal plate with gravy sauce and mashed potatoes. The atmosphere in the event was full of fun. Even though it was a foreign chef, he could communicate in Thai. Even though there were some parts where he could not speak, there was always a host to explain, creating excitement for this event. Makro staffs were attentive to every table of participants, taking care of the Workshop menu closely. In addition, the aroma of each dish attracted the attention of those shopping at Makro very well.
After the workshop, Mr. Baramee Panichyanukroh, owner of The Top Grill Restaurant, shared his experience with us, saying, “Today, I gained knowledge about Mexican food, learned about new ingredients and menus that the chef taught me. I can use today’s knowledge to further develop it in my own restaurant because my restaurant sells both Thai and Western food. I can use this knowledge to create new menus in my restaurant.”
and Khun Aporn Katakul, owner of Pa Ien Khao Kaeng Restaurant in Nakhon Si Thammarat, “received new knowledge in the form of Western food menus and got to try cooking it herself, applying it to the food at the restaurant and creating new menus to sell, such as the German menu, meatballs, cottage cheese, which is easy to make and should please children as well.” This kind of great activity is held regularly throughout the year, rotating to be held at branches of Marko department stores nationwide. Any business owners who don’t want to miss out can follow the news of the activities on this website.