Want to start a Street Food shop in 2021? How to start?
Want to start a Street Food shop in 2021? How to start?
Street Food is considered a business that is worth doing because it does not require much investment and is a basic eating culture of Thai people. It is estimated that in 2021 the Street Food business in Thailand will increase in value to 340,000 million baht or an average growth rate of 5.3 percent per year. Today, MHA has steps and advice for starting a Street Food business to recommend for those who want to start a Street Food business in 2021.
Select the menu to sell first
Making a difference for your street food shop
Choose the Street Food location to sell.
Street food can also be marketed.
Considering quality in various aspects
Street Food Shop Management
Street Food Measures During COVID-19
Precautions for opening a shopStreet Food
Select the menu to sell firstFor choosing a menu in a street food restaurant, you may consider different factors. For example, if you are someone who can cook, try to choose the menu that you can make the most outstanding. Then find a menu that is suitable for making street food. It is a menu that is easy to eat and does not take long to cook or eat.It can be a single dish or a small set, and it must be available for take-away, such as various a la carte dishes, steaks, grilled and roasted food, fried food, brewed drinks, milk tea, etc.
Or you may look at the location as the main factor. If you are already looking at a location to sell your products, try to explore first to see what kind of food is still lacking in that location so that it does not overlap with other shops that are already selling. Then see if you can make that menu stand out or not. Or if you want to focus on selling only, try contacting to buy a Street Food franchise to sell as well.
2. Create a difference for your street food shop.Whether it's the part of the shop or the food menu, the shop decoration that is different from others, or the shop name that is interesting but makes people immediately remember what the shop sells.For example, Moo Satay Ying Aj, Tiew-Tam-Yam, Luk Chin Din Din, or Kai Kradon, which is as fast as shooting a bullet. For shop decoration, the budget should not be too high, but it must have all the elements related to cooking, must be organized, have a logo, shop name, and clear menu, which shows the shop's identity.
In terms of the food menu, try to adjust the ordinary menu to be different from other shops, such as fried banana blossom topped with fried tea leaves, various special stir-fried holy basil menus, fried dough sticks with various dips, crepes with various fillings, or if you have your own special recipe, it will create a great highlight.
3.Choose a locationStreet Food to sellStreet food shops generally rely on dine-in customers, but these days, delivery customers are just as important. So,It is therefore very important to choose a location where the target group regularly passes by and where delivery personnel can easily access it.This includes locations near workplaces, companies, shops, and educational institutions.
But it doesn't mean that you can just bring a food truck or food booth to set up in that location. You have to study the prohibitions and laws regarding selling products on the roads and in public places in each province first to see what permissions are available.
Therefore, flea markets, food zones, Walking streets and Night Brazza are interesting options for setting up a street food shop because they are areas specifically set up for selling food. However, you may have to pay for space rental. Or if your shop can easily move or is a food truck, try to increase your sales opportunities by setting up shop at events. Learn more about choosing a location atOpen a shop to get rich with a good location
4. Street Food can also be marketed. For street food shops today, it is necessary to do both basic and online marketing.Starting with pricing strategies and sales promotion. Strategies that should be used in pricing include psychological pricing, setting prices ending with the number 9, or setting prices slightly lower than competitors in order to gain an advantage. For sales promotion, try using discounts when buying in bulk, such as grilled pork at 7 baht per skewer, buy 3 skewer for 20 baht, or burgers sold with french fries at a special price, and collecting points by giving out loyalty cards to customers who come to buy, etc.
For advertising, try using flyers.With a map of the shop, recommended menus and contact details for ordering through various channels and adding online marketing channels by creating a Facebook page and studying content creation and selling through Facebook in various formats, including selling through a page, such asHero Fish Sauce Pork Shop, Khok Wua IntersectionOr sell in related groups or groups where the shop is located, such asDon Mueang Lovers GroupDelicious food in Nakhon Pathom, food in Nakhon PathomAnd Market Place where we can press the button to create a new product listing to promote our store.
The basic principle of street food marketing is to create a difference from other shops. So, try to find the difference of your shop first, no matter what it is. Then use it to create the strength of the shop and use it to create the story of the shop in marketing.
In addition, store management is also important. Street food stores need to take into account the following additional elements:
1. Consider the quality in various aspects, which include:
– Food qualityWhich is directly related to the freshness of the ingredients, cleanliness in cooking, and taste should be standardized. You should study the system for weighing and measuring ingredients in cooking and control factors related to cooking in order to get similar taste each time.
– Quality of cleanlinessStarting from the cleanliness of the ingredients, kitchen equipment, packaging, including the cooks and restaurant staff, including their attire and cooking process, you can study from the restaurant code of conduct atFood and Water Sanitation OfficeThis also includes the management of raw material waste and food waste, which must be disposed of in the correct place.
– Service qualityWhether it is a fixed and consistent opening time, friendly and sincere customer service, preparation of equipment to help calculate, collect money, equipment used for eating, or other parts related to the food sold.
2. Street Food Shop Management, which includes:
Financial planning, divided into income and expenses, requires daily cost and raw material accounting and daily sales accounting to be used in assessing income and estimating income and expenses in each period of the month.
Work management in the shop Even though it is a small shop, the positioning of various equipment must be convenient for work and safe, such as placing gas tanks and stoves in safe places, placing trays of ingredients at least 60 cm above the floor, and not having dining tables block the walkway.
If the restaurant has many menus, you should also keep a sales record to see which menus sell well and which menus do not sell well, to use in managing raw materials and to use in managing future menus.
3. Street Food measures during COVID-19
Wear a mask and gloves at all times, especially while cooking, serving, or interacting with customers.
Alcohol gel must be available for customers to wash their hands. If the shop is in an enclosed area, there must be good ventilation and temperature must be taken before entering the shop.
There must be distancing when eating and waiting for food. Queuing includes sitting 1-2 meters apart, 1 meter apart, with clear distances between people. And there should be seating for delivery staff waiting for food.
Emphasize on payment by E-payment system such as transfer, QR Code scanning, etc. to avoid touching cash.
However, opening a street food shop also has some precautions, as follows:
Don't spend too much on shop decoration.Although decorating your restaurant to make it stand out can help your restaurant become well-known, if you spend too much on it, it can cause problems in the long run. Because a restaurant may not be able to make a profit in a few days, you should have reserve funds to support your restaurant in the beginning.
Choose a location where there is not a lot of traffic from your target audience.Or if the delivery staff is not available, it will be difficult to reach customers, even if there is online sales and delivery.
Poor marketingWithout good promotion, the store will have to rely solely on word-of-mouth recommendations from customers, which will take a long time to build awareness and credibility among a wide range of customers.
MHA recommends that you study information on starting a restaurant at:A beginner opening a restaurantIncluding studying more information at the online course ofMakro Horeca AcademyAnd come back and see us again for more restaurant marketing articles in the next episode.
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