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Salmon is booming! It has become a regular menu for Thai people.

Salmon It has become a popular item for Thai people. Salmon is eaten in many forms, including salmon sashimi, smoked salmon, and salmon steak, and it seems to be becoming more popular, especially health-conscious menus. Salmon comes in many grades and prices, and in one salmon, different parts can be used to make many different menus, including making the price per dish high as well. Fresh salmon The fresh salmon market in Thailand is growing very quickly. The main factor is that Thai people are increasingly consuming Japanese food. Salmon is considered a main ingredient in more than 50% of Japanese dishes. Japan is the country that consumes the most salmon in Asia. Thailand consumes the most salmon in ASEAN.
How many parts can one salmon be cut into? It can be divided into 4 main parts: head, bones, meat, and skin. The parts that are commonly used for cooking are:
  1. TOP LOIN : It is the part of the meat near the ribs. It has the best balance of fat in the fish. It is most suitable for making "sashimi". 2. SECOND CUT: This part of the meat is quite thin and has little fat. It is suitable for "grilling or frying". 3. BELLY : It is the part of the fish belly that has a lot of fat. The taste of this part is soft and smooth on the tongue. It can be eaten as "sashimi" or "cooked or fried". 4. LOIN : Rare, premium and very high in Omega fish fillets, can be used to "cook all kinds of food". 5. TAIL : The lower tail meat is a part of the meat that does not have much fat. It is suitable for "mostly cooking". It can be eaten as sashimi, but it is not very tasty, so it is not very popular.
Popular salmon species in Thailand People often misunderstand that Thailand imports fresh salmon from Japan, but in fact the main market that Thailand imports from is Norway. Thailand imports a large amount of fresh seafood from Norway, especially Norwegian salmon, and has a share of seafood exports in the Thai market of up to 98%, with a value of seafood imports of up to 10,000 tons.
Salmon in the world They are divided into two main types based on the sea in which the fish live:
  1. Atlantic Salmon In Thailand, people are more familiar with Atlantic salmon because it is a business. There are farms for raising them, so there is enough for consumers. Atlantic salmon can be divided into 3 places according to where it comes from:
  • Norwegian Salmon From Norway (Norwegian salmon), the meat is firm, light orange, has few bones, and moderate fat. It is the most popular in our country because it is inexpensive and easy to find.
  • Tasmanian Salmon From Australia (Tasmanian salmon), the color of the fish is light orange, the smell is not too fishy, ​​the meat is soft, the fat is just right, the price is similar to Norwegian salmon.
  • Scottish Salmon From Scotland (Scottish salmon), the fish meat is reddish-orange, has more fat than the other two types, tastes better and is more expensive than Norwegian salmon and Tasmanian salmon.
  1. Pacific salmon This type of salmon can still be found in abundance in wild salmon, unlike Atlantic salmon, but it is quite expensive. Pacific salmon can be divided into 5 main species.
  • Chinook is the largest and tastiest species, hence it is also commonly known as King Salmon It is native to the northern Pacific Ocean and is mostly imported for sale from countries.
  • New Zealand Sockeye It is also known as Red Salmon because its meat is red or dark orange because it eats more plankton and shrimp than other salmon. It can be found from the coast of California east to the north of Hokkaido.
  • Chum Deep pink flesh, also known by other names such as Keta and Dog (called Dog because of its teeth similar to a dog's), this breed is distributed in various areas, including California, Kyushu Islands, Japan.
  • Coho Bright orange flesh, also known as Silver Salmon, is found near the coast of Alaska.
  • Pink The flesh is pink and is the smallest species, so it is usually found in shallow waters. It can be found in northern California and Korea.
Mix & Match Thai Salmon Menu Now that you know the different parts of salmon that can be used to make dishes, salmon lovers should not miss out on fusion salmon dishes. They are both delicious and healthy. You can easily make them yourself. What are the dishes? Let’s take a look.
Salmon Papaya Salad Isan Fusion Food Menu, Spicy Thai Papaya Salad with Salmon, Soft and Juicy Sashimi. When you try it, the taste is perfectly blended. Fresh salmon mixed with a special Thai Papaya Salad recipe, spicy, full of flavor.
Fusion Salmon Salad After introducing the extremely spicy menu like Salmon Som Tam, another menu that is equally spicy and delicious to Thai people is the Fusion Salmon Salad, which uses fresh salmon skin that is grilled over a fire, mixed with the delicious spiciness of the salad, which consists of chili, garlic, and lime, mixed with Thai herbs. It's a strong flavor that we'd like to recommend you make.
Smoked Salmon and Miang Leaf Salad Rolls We've already gone through 2 spicy and delicious menus. This menu is for those who love their health, those who are controlling their weight or are health conscious. We recommend a healthy menu like Smoked Salmon Miang Leaf Salad Rolls. It's an easy menu to make, easy to eat. You can eat it with a spicy three-flavor dipping sauce or pour mayonnaise or cheese sauce as you like.
Salmon steamed in banana leaves
Now for authentic Thai food like Hor Mok. When the original Hor Mok flavor is changed to salmon, it becomes a very chic fusion dish. It is more mellow, fragrant with spices and Thai flavors. Those who love salmon can try to make it. It is easy to make and delicious.

Salmon Can be easily purchased at Makro. And it's even more convenient to order online via Makroclick
For anyone who wants to design and create sushi menus, including demonstrations of basic menus that every sushi restaurant must have.
You can study the online course, Million Dollar Sushi Course, for free! From Chef Boontham Pakpho, Iron Chef of Japanese Cuisine of Thailand, with the following lesson content:
Chapter 1: Basics You Must Know from Sushi Guru
  • The meaning of sashimi
  • The meaning of sushi
  • Types of Sushi
  • Basic knowledge before deciding to open a shop
Chapter 2. Design and creation of sushi menu
  • The main menu design principles of sushi restaurants
  • What should be included in a sushi restaurant's additional menu items?
  • How to create new menus and increase variety from ingredients in the shop
Chapter 3 Techniques for cooking and mixing sushi rice
  • Sushi rice ingredients
  • Cooking rice
  • Mixing rice vinegar
  • Sushi rice mixing
Chapter 4 Techniques for sashimi slicing and plate decoration
  • Essential equipment for fish slicing
  • Filleting a whole salmon
  • Sashimi Plating
Chapter 5 Making rolled sushi (maki sushi)
  • Hosomaki
  • Futomaki
  • Uramaki
Chapter 6 Making Sushi in the Form of a Piece (Nigiri Sushi & Gunkan Sushi)
  • Nigiri Sushi
  • Aburi Nigiri Sushi
  • Thai Wagyu Aburi Nigiri Sushi
  • Gung Gang Sushi
Just one course will allow you to open a sushi restaurant. Click here to study online courses.
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