The shop has LINE@. How can we Up-Sell and really increase sales?
For beginners, starting to promote restaurants online, you may be a bit confused about LINE OA or LINE@ and what to do next. Once you have registered with LINE@, what do you need to do next? Today, MHA would like to recommend interesting tools to help promote restaurants on LINE@ to stimulate sales, create awareness very well, and it is easy to use with the following 4 LINE@ tools:
Note: This article will mainly refer to using LINE Official Account on a mobile phone, tablet, or iPad.
Welcome message is an automatic message that will pop up to greet people who have just added our Line@. The greeting message is very important because it is the first information about the store. It can be used to announce opening and closing times, store promotions, and menus that will be sold. A maximum of 5 welcome messages can pop up at the same time. Here's how to do it:
1. In the Line Official Account app, select “New Friend Greeting Message”.
2. Then edit the greeting message.
3. If you want to add a greeting message that will pop up at the same time, press the Add button.
4. We can choose to add text, images, videos, or other sections that we want new admins to see.
Tip :Greeting Message should include details of sales, delivery, and pricing conditions. You should use pictures of the menu to attract customers. If you have a video of the shop, whether it's a review from various pages or a video taken by yourself, you can upload it as well. Or try including a discount coupon for new members. This will help stimulate the decision to buy well even before starting the chat.
2. Create a menu that customers can easily select and press.
The menu, also known as the Rich Manu, is located at the bottom of the chat and will pop up as a popup when selected. It is a shortcut that helps customers find what they are looking for more easily. Here's how to do it:
1. In the Line Official Account app, select “Rich Menu” and press “Create New”.
2. Press “Select template”Then select the template you want to use. If you don't have many menus, you can choose a small one, like a long bar.
3. Upload a background image.It should be a picture made specifically for the menu. If you haven’t made one yet, choose an existing picture and insert the text from the app. Or, you can choose the default picture that the app has set. Then, press “Next.”
4. In the Action settings page, choose what you want the menu to do.As follows
- Links can be used to link to the website we created or to link to the store's Facebook page. Links can be used in many ways, such as Google Maps.
manu5.jpg209.87 KB - Coupons are a great way to boost purchases, especially for new customers (you have to create a coupon on the home page, then choose the coupon you want to use).
- Message: Set the message to reply when clicked. Can be linked to an auto-reply message (must go to set up auto-reply again) or enter a 1:1 chat.
- Loyalty cards allow customers to make repeated purchases and do not require paper and stamps like before (must create a loyalty card first before being able to select)
- Name the menu according to the purpose of the creation, so it's easy to remember which menu you're using.
- Set the time period for the menu to be displayed. In this section, if you choose to use a coupon or a loyalty card, you must check the time period carefully first. And if there are other menus already, the set time must not be the same.
- The bar at the bottom of the chat will show a “Menu” to click on. If you want to change to someone else, select another message and type more.
- If you want the menu to be displayed when customers enter the chat, select “Show”. But if you want customers to choose to display the menu themselves, select “Hide” and press Save.
- When the set time is reached, the menu will be displayed automatically, or if it is not displayed now, on the record page, you can save it to “Ready to use” first to edit later.
Tip: It is recommended to have"coupon"and“Loyalty card”In the menu, it will help stimulate sales more.
3. Create a broadcast of store news to inform customers, especially promotions.Creating periodic announcement messages to members, in LINE Broadcast, we can choose to use various methods as follows:
messageThe message should be no longer than 500 words and is suitable for announcing news, store openings, etc.
stickerStickers can be sent to all recipients at once.
photoWe can put pictures of the food menu, along with prices and the restaurant logo in the picture, which will help stimulate ordering.
couponIt also helps to boost sales and informs customers that there are coupons available without them having to click on the menu.
VideoBecause it's for short clips, food reviews, or other interesting videos.
Voice messages, mostly from big brands that have radio spots, often include voice messages.
questionnaireUsed to survey customer opinions. Suitable for surveying needs and satisfaction regarding menus and services.
Message cardMultiple product images can be inserted at the same time, allowing for broadcasting in a single message, saving on monthly broadcast quota.
Rich Messages and Rich Video MessagesYou can create and send extra-large images and embed links in the images. When you click on the image, it will take you to the desired website.
In the Line Official Account app, select Broadcast. If you don't have a broadcast, press Create New.
2. Press Add, then select the desired boardcast (for Rich Messages, Rich Video Messages, and Card Messages, you must set up via a browser on your computer only by going to login using the store's Line ID)
3. When you have set various values such as selecting the image to broadcast, entering text, etc., press Next. 4. If you don't press send immediately, you can set the broadcast time and choose whether to post on the timeline or not. For the free version of LINE@, there is a limit on the number of messages in the broadcast. We can set this as well by selecting the settings in the menu that appears. 5. Select recipients. If there are 100 or more members, we can divide the groups and assign recipients for each Boss Cast. 6. Press Send or Save Draft if you haven't sent it yet.
4. Don't forget Line Timeline, easy to use like Facebook, free posting! No cost.
Posting on Timeline is very useful. There is no limit to the number of users and it is free of charge. Those who add LINE@ can see posts from stores, which is a way to create free awareness. They can also use their personal LINE to help share to various groups. We can use posts as promotional images, short videos, or Facebook-style Ad albums to help boost sales in another way.