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If you want to sell well, use the trick of selling the image of happiness, not the product itself.

When we open a restaurant or sell any product, entrepreneurs usually start from
1) Sale of the product (A)
2) Describe the characteristics (B).
3) Tell about the benefits (C)
4) End by telling the story of the happiness the customer felt when making a purchase (D).

When we, as merchants, think of "money" as the initial variable, using the above principles in selling products, believe it or not, customers do not see it that way. Customers see it from (D) > (C) > (B) > (A), that is, they see the image of happiness while customers are using the product or the image of happiness while eating at that restaurant. If you want to sell well, you have to be good at "selling the last image".

#How to sell your final image well

1) Selling a dream image means telling the story of customer happiness. Look at who your shop's customer group is and what kind of happiness they think of.
2) Sell your expertise, provide knowledge to your customers, make them believe that you are the real deal in the industry, and do it consistently through content creation on your sales channels.
3) Making customers believe in the product is the last important part.
4) Post sales and close sales.

For example, a restaurant that wants to sell a “Seafood Dipping Sauce Recipe” to “Entrepreneurs”. What entrepreneurs are looking for is a recipe that sells, is profitable, and lastly, deliciousness. If a seafood sauce shop sells by saying that this recipe makes a profit of 1 million, along with posting a picture of the shop showing that many customers come to eat at the shop because they are addicted to the taste of the seafood sauce (D), it will definitely close more sales than the sales method (ABC).

Finally, we must understand that customers have a set of ideas in their heads. We must change their minds through content, make them “like” it, make us sell something and they “believe” and “buy” it. Let’s start practicing teasing customers to like it and want to buy it!
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