If you want to increase your restaurant's sales by selling alcoholic beverages, how do you apply for a license?
For any restaurants that want to provide alcoholic beverages in their premises.The first thing to understand or learn is the related laws.Because not every shop can sell alcoholic beverages. If you make a mistake, you may be closed down, not only that, but you will also be fined, prosecuted, wasted time, and investment. Because it is called the law, you cannot claim ignorance. Let's follow up and see if our shop can sell alcoholic beverages or not. If you can, how do you do it correctly?
The laws that need to be studied regarding alcoholic beverages. The laws that need to be studied are:
Alcoholic Beverage Control Act B.E. 2551This is considered the main law that stipulates prohibitions, penalties and various related measures. One agency that came from the Alcoholic Beverage Control Act of 2008 and has a role in issuing prohibitions or various permissions regarding the sale of alcoholic beverages is:“National Alcoholic Beverage Policy Committee”And there is another sub-agency that plays an important role in alcohol control policy, which is“Alcoholic Beverage Control Committee”These are the two main agencies that came from the Alcoholic Beverage Control Act. Know the names of these two agencies so that in the future, when you hear or receive news from the media about a meeting of one of these agencies, read or listen carefully because it will have a direct effect on the sale of alcoholic beverages in your store.
The first thing you should know is whether our store is located in a restricted area.Now, if we want to sell alcoholic beverages in our shop, the first thing we need to know is whether our shop is located in a prohibited area or not! 1
Sections 27 and 31 of the Alcoholic Beverage Control Act B.E. 2551 prohibit the sale or consumption of alcoholic beverages in the following places or areas: (1) Temples or places for religious ceremonies, unless the consumption is part of the religious ceremony; (2) State public health service establishments, hospitals under the Hospital Act, and pharmacies under the Drug Act, except in cases where the consumption may be in areas designated as private residences; (3) Government offices, except in cases where the sale may be in areas designated as shops or clubs; and in cases where the consumption may be in areas designated as private residences, clubs, or at traditional banquets. 2
(4) Educational institutions under the National Education Act, except in cases where drinking is allowed in an area designated as a private residence, club, or traditional banquet, or educational institutions that teach how to mix alcoholic beverages and are permitted under the National Education Act. (5) Fuel stations under the Fuel Control Act, or shops in the area of fuel stations. (6) Government public parks provided for the general public’s relaxation. (7) Sales are prohibited in the premises or areas of dormitories under the Dormitory Act. (8) Other places announced by the Minister with the approval of the Committee. The issue probably isn’t about the prohibited areas themselves, because no one would open a shop in an area where sales are prohibited by law. But what many people aren’t sure about is, if the shop is located near a prohibited area, how far away must sales be before it is allowed , especially near an educational institution? The safe distance is 300 meters around the area where sales are prohibited by law.
In the case that the shop has not yet registered for business registrationAnd if it has been checked that the shop is in a safe area, the next thing to do is, in the case that the shop is still
Not registered as a commercial entity? Must apply for commercial registration for a food and beverage store at the district office or sub-district office where the store is located. However, if the store is already established as a juristic person, this step can be skipped. The reason for having to register as a commercial entity is because selling alcoholic beverages is considered a type of commercial business that individual stores cannot conduct. Once the commercial registration process has been completed, the next step is to apply for a permit to sell alcoholic beverages in accordance with the law.The agencies responsible for supervision and issuing licenses are: In Bangkok, you can apply for a license from the Excise Department. In other provinces, you can apply for a license from the provincial excise office or apply for a license online on the Excise Department website.
Documents required to apply for a liquor sales license✔️Application form for permission to sell alcoholic beverages, Form Sor Por. 1
Download Formhttp://bit.ly/2VupV7p✔️Copy of house registration and ID card of the applicant ✔️Consent letter of the owner of the place, consenting to use the place as a place to sell alcoholic beverages with a copy of the house registration and ID card of the owner of the place ✔️In the case of a rented place, attach a lease agreement for the place with a copy of the house registration of the rented place ✔️Map of the location of the food and alcohol shop for the officer to check the zoning ✔️Power of attorney with a copy of the ID card of the attorney When the application is submitted, the officer will take time to consider the documents and check the zoning. If everything is correct according to the regulations , a license will be issued for 1 year.Operators must apply for a license renewal every year. 4
Let's take a look at the penalties for violators who do not comply with the Alcoholic Beverage Control Act of 2008 and the Liquor Act of 1950. What will happen if they open for sale without permission or open for sale in a way that is different from what is permitted by law? Let's just look at the important ones.1. Selling, exchanging or giving alcohol or cigarettes to children under 18 years of age, except for medical purposes.- Imprisonment not exceeding 3 months or a fine not exceeding 30,000 baht, Child Protection Act 2003, Section 26(10), Ministry of Social Development and Human Security - Revocation of license, Ministry of Finance Regulations 2005, Excise Department2. Selling alcohol outside of the specified times (selling from 11:00-14:00 and 17:00-24:00)- Fine 50 baht - Suspension or revocation of liquor sales license for 5 years Liquor Act B.E. 2493 Section 20, 46 Excise Department - Imprisonment not exceeding 2 years or a fine not exceeding 4,000 baht Revolutionary Council Announcement No. 253 B.E. 2515 Royal Thai Police3. Selling liquor in places adjacent to or adjacent to the following places:- In educational institutions - Religious places (temples) - Gas stations - License revocation - No license, adjusted according to the type of liquor sold, Ministry of Finance Regulations 2005, Excise Department4. Do not display the liquor sales license openly at the sales location.-Adjusted 2,000 baht, Ministry of Finance Regulations 2005, Excise Department5. Making changes to the liquor (e.g. mixing in herbal liquor or other substances)- Wholesalers, fine 2,000 baht - Retailers, fine 500 baht Liquor Act B.E. 2493, Sections 22,23,36,38 Excise Department6. Storing liquor in a place other than the place for which permission has been requested.- Fine of 500 baht (only for wholesalers) Liquor Act B.E. 2493 Section 21, 38 Excise Department7. Selling liquor that does not comply with the type of license issued by the officer.- Fine 200 baht, Liquor Act B.E. 2493, Section 40 bis, Excise Department
58. Selling or displaying liquor for sale without a liquor sales license.- All types of Thai liquor, fine 500 baht - Foreign liquor, fine 2,000 baht Liquor Act B.E. 2493, Section 17, 40 Excise Department9. Illegally producing all types of liquor (distilled liquor, fermented liquor, fermented liquor, etc.)-Imprisonment not exceeding 6 months -Fine not exceeding 5,000 baht Liquor Act B.E. 2493 Section 5, 30 Excise Department10. Selling illegally produced liquor according to Section 9.- Fine not exceeding 5,000 baht, Liquor Act B.E. 2493, Section 31, Excise Department11. Transporting or moving untaxed preserved liquor and distilled liquor.-Imprisonment not exceeding 1 year, fine not exceeding 20,000 baht, Liquor Act B.E. 2493, Section 34, Excise Department12. Transport or move any type of liquor from 10 liters or more.Without a permit to transport liquor-Adjusted at 10 baht per liter according to the amount of liquor transported or moved. Liquor Act B.E. 2493 Section 14, 38 bis Excise Department13. Selling or having for sale tax-evading local liquor.- Imprisonment not exceeding 6 months - Fine 4 times the amount of liquor tax (according to the amount of liquor seized) Liquor Act B.E. 2493 Section 33 Excise Department14. Selling or having for sale foreign liquor to avoid taxes.- Imprisonment not exceeding 6 months - Fine 4 times the amount of liquor tax (according to the amount, type/kind of liquor seized) Liquor Act B.E. 2493 Section 33 Excise Department
615. Sell, distribute, give away or hold any type of alcoholic beverage in the election area during 6:00 p.m. of the day before the election day until the end of the election day.-Imprisonment not exceeding 6 months or a fine not exceeding 10,000 baht, or both. Local Government Election Act B.E. 2545 Section 13016. Selling alcohol or allowing an intoxicated person to behave disorderly or unconsciously to enter or remain in the service establishment during business hours.- Fine not exceeding 50,000 baht, Entertainment Establishments Act B.E. 2509, Section 16(2) (3), Section 27 - Ministry of Interior, Alcoholic Beverage Control Act B.E. 2551, which is enforced, also stipulates additional control over sales locations. It's legal language that may not be easy to understand, but the most important thing to look at is the penalty. Therefore, if you want to sell alcoholic beverages, it is absolutely necessary to do so in accordance with all legal requirements.In addition to applying for a license to sell alcoholic beverages in a restaurant, you can readKnow before you miss out! Get ready before alcohol sales in restaurants start here.
At this time, there is probably no one who does not know the TikTok app, a Chinese app that is currently popular around the world. In the form of short videos, users can easily create their own video clips. There will be effects, songs, or sounds for users to use in the app. And can be shared with friends or shared publicly for the general public to come and see and follow. Many people may think that TikTok only has dance clips. In fact, Tiktok also includes many interesting lifestyle clips, such as cooking clips, educational clips, DIY Live Hack, etc.
And with the rapid growth rate of the number of users, which is expected to hit 2 billion downloads soon, especially in Thailand where the number of users has increased by more than 100% in less than a year, TikTok has become another marketing tool that is becoming more popular. Many entrepreneurs have started to use this channel as another way of marketing, including creating various promotions through Challenges. Today, MHA will update TikTok trends for the upcoming year 2021 as information for marketing restaurants to be better known and sell better next year.
10 TikTok trends of 2021
1. Influencers will increasingly use TikTok.
When it comes to influencers, we usually think of Instagram or Facebook. However, a 2020 survey found that 35 percent of influencers are starting to use TikTok more than the previous year. This has led to more movement in influencer marketing, both from the influencer side and the brand side. Many products have started to have marketing departments that specifically handle influencers, and TikTok is also a tool that brands are focusing on.
For restaurant businesses: For restaurants, this is a good opportunity because in addition to having a new channel to present their restaurants, reviewers and influencers are also looking for content to present via TikTok. In particular, there will be more new reviewers because of the ease of creating content on TikTok, which is considered easier than other social media available today.
2. TikTok will focus on Social Commerce
If you can't imagine it, imagine buying and selling products on various social media without having to leave those apps to go to online shopping apps anymore. And TikTok is going to open up opportunities for merchants to "sell" their own products on TikTok to help accelerate sales of those products. It is analyzed that the buying and selling process between sellers and buyers will start and finish the entire process on the Tiktok app. In addition, to incentivize businesses and merchants, merchants will receive a fund of $ 300 or approximately 9,000 baht for their first Tiktok campaign.
For restaurant businesses: If your restaurant offers delivery, this is a great opportunity to expand your distribution channels. For those who are already familiar with selling on social media, it shouldn’t be too difficult to learn more. If you haven’t, now might be the time to start.
3. Brands are using hashtag challenges a lot.
TikTok users are quite familiar with various challenges, and we have started to see many brands start doing challenges in the past year. This element encourages users to want to participate with the brand by creating a video according to the brand's requirements and publishing it to the public. This is where analysts see it as creating brand awareness and easily spreading it virally.
For restaurants: Try to study successful challenges and try to apply them to your business. There is a high possibility that the created hashtag will be distributed virally. Compared to producing work in other media, it is considered a very low budget.
4. There will be more video ads.
The overall usage of video marketing increased from 61% to 85% in 2020. For TikTok, with such a rapid growth rate of users, it is certainly in demand by many marketers today. After launching TikTok for Business to provide information and teaching how to advertise on TikTok last year, analysts predict that video advertising will increase even more in 2021.
For restaurants: This is a point that helps reduce limitations in producing advertising videos because of TikTok's features that allow easy video creation and free resources to study before making advertising videos.
5. Create a trend with #meme
If you can't figure out what a meme is, try thinking about a time when there was a story, event, or something that was popular at that time and was remade, parodied, made fun of, or whatever social media users picked up to play with. Like recently, there was a strange animal statue in front of a church that was posted on social media and was redrawn by many cartoonists until the meme, the Marshmallow Himmapan Animal, was created. TikTok is no different. Analysts believe that social media users, regardless of the media, are hungry for memes to follow or play with.
For restaurants : If you can catch the trend and learn how to use memes with your videos, you can create awareness and remember your restaurant very well, especially on a platform where many users are waiting to follow and follow you like TikTok.
6. Remixing UGC is the new trend.
Remixing UGC or what we call Remixing User Generated Content is creating content through a template on the platform that is created in your own style by using Background Music or filters in various forms according to your style, such as dancing in various forms or strange places and then sending it on until it goes viral.
At this point, many people are starting to wonder if video marketing on other social media is the same. So how is Tiktok different? The answer is that TikTok has a complete video creation tool in itself. Users can press to shoot a video from within the app, with filters and effects ready. They can also choose music and sound effects that are provided, with clear categories. These elements help users to put their imagination and creativity into their videos more easily.
For restaurants: Try learning how to create these free assets that will be on TikTok for other users to use, which will help create a great brand.
7. Celebs are also entering the TikTok scene.
Many celebrities have also jumped into TikTok because statistics show that the majority of TikTok users are Gen Z (aged between 9-22 years) , a group that uses social media for at least 2-4 hours a day. They are a group called Digital Natives or digital citizens who were born with technology and have high self-confidence. Gen Z is an important customer base for singers and actors. Therefore, it is not strange that many celebrities are moving to TikTok more.
For restaurants: Normally, if there were celebrities visiting the restaurant, we would not be able to resist asking to take a photo with them to post on social media, which was mostly still images. But in the future, we might try adding TikTok videos as another medium, because it does not take long to shoot.
8. TikTok is an indispensable channel for promoting music.
Forget about promoting music in the traditional way on other social media. What TikTok has added is Duet and Stitch, which are functions that can take other people's videos and make them your own videos, dual screen duels, or paste your own videos. Marketers see this as unprecedented on other social media and see this as creating engagement between creators and TikTok and helping businesses reach target groups that don't yet follow, using videos with high views as an aid.
For restaurants: This feature can help solve the problem of no viewers of restaurant content without having to pay for Boost like before. However, you should study the business policy for posting videos on TikTok in detail.
9. TikTok Trends is the new TV channel.
Although TikTok is in the form of short videos, unlike traditional television shows, if you look closely, you will find many similarities. When users find a #Hashtag that interests them and follow videos under that #Hashtag, it is no different from choosing a channel on television, where content that is longer than the time will be edited by users into episodes, while viewers wait to follow the creator's new video, just like waiting for the next TV show to air on TV.
So next year, we will see more TikTok creators making episodic videos for viewers to watch, and we will see more TV shows starting to condense their content into episodes and put them on TikTok.
For restaurants: Popular content on TikTok isn’t just about dancing or entertainment. Cooking tutorials are also popular. So if you have the ability to consistently come up with content that will gain a large following, it will be very beneficial for promoting your restaurant.
10. Use truth to create brand identity for your brand.
As we all know, TikTok emphasizes real and genuine content. Marketers believe that if the content is relevant to the interests of the target group, it will be very successful. This is the answer to why behind-the-scenes clips, how-to clips, or clips that are real, unedited, and unfiltered are successful on TikTok. Analysts believe that this is due to the characteristics of Gen Z, the main target group of TikTok, who are tired of the same unreal or staged content. And even though marketing using real content is not new, it is still an important trend in 2021.
For restaurants: This is another good opportunity for content like how-to guides on how to make food, behind-the-scenes videos of the restaurant's signature dishes. From a survey, it was found that if we watch cooking videos continuously, we will feel like eating food. Or even videos that introduce restaurants directly, without embellishment or staging, maybe adding a joke to make it look a little more fun, or playing with TikTok challenges and using memes at the right time will create good awareness and memory of the restaurant.
It can be seen that TikTok is a tool that can be used for marketing well because it is easy to use and has all the elements that are conducive to video creation. Overall, MHA sees that TikTok is suitable for restaurant marketing as well as other social media, especially restaurants whose target group is Gen Z. However, you should study TikTok's policies carefully, otherwise, you may be blocked from seeing or banned. Come back and find more good marketing content with MHA in the next episode.
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The last week of the year is considered by most people to be a time for relaxation, travel, and celebrations. The atmosphere is lively to warmly welcome the New Year. Of course, these things come with “food” in higher volumes than usual. This is the time when business owners can rake in a huge amount of money from the New Year’s Eve and New Year’s Eve festivals if they know how to choose popular menus to sell or set up a zone for customers to party (or even host their own party).
MHA doesn't miss out on sharing 6 popular menus that are good to sell during festivals or when the festival is over, customers will buy them. Secret recipes from famous chefs guarantee deliciousness for you. When you're ready, let's take a look!
French fries, 3 menus, 3 styles
Hat Yai fried chicken
Pizza with 5 toppings
Grilled Pork with BBQ Sauce
Pig Pig Party
7 toasts
French fries, 3 menus, 3 styles
Mexican French Fries Nacho Ingredients
Aero brand wavy french fries, 200 grams
1 liter palm oil for frying
Vegetable oil 30 grams
200 grams of minced meat
1 teaspoon smoked paprika
½ teaspoon cumin powder
Onion (diced) 50 grams
80 grams of diced tomatoes
Jalapeno pepper (diced) 30 grams
80 grams of canned red beans
Black olives (diced) 60 g
Salt, seasoning
Ground black pepper, seasoning
White granulated sugar, seasoned
Coriander (chopped) 1 gram
70 grams of grated cheddar cheese
Sour cream 60 grams
Scallions (chopped) 2 grams
Remove the Aero Wavy French Fries from the bag and fry at 175 °C for 10-12 minutes.
Put the ground beef in a pan and fry over high heat. Add the smoked paprika powder and cumin powder in the amounts above. Stir-fry to combine. Then add the ingredients in the green letters in the amounts above. Stir-fry until the vegetables and ingredients are cooked. Then add the ingredients in the blue letters.
Place the French fries in a bowl, top with the toppings we made in step 2, sprinkle with grated cheddar cheese and put in the oven for 5 minutes at 180 ° C to melt the cheese. Sprinkle with sour cream and spring onions and it's done.
Carbonara French Fries Ingredients
Aero brand French fries, straight sticks, 200 grams
1 liter palm oil for frying
Vegetable oil 20 grams
Smoked bacon (cut into strips) 80 g.
Onion (finely chopped) 40 grams
Champignon mushrooms (sliced) 65 grams
Chicken stock 60 grams
Cooking cream 100 grams
Salt, seasoning
Black pepper, seasoning
White granulated sugar, seasoned
Parmesan cheese (grated) 10 grams
Mozzarella cheese (grated) 50 grams
1 g Italian parsley (coarsely chopped)
Click here to see how to do it.
Ingredients: French Fries and Belgian Beef Stew
Aero brand large straight French fries, 200 grams
Beef neck (cut into large cubes) 200 grams
Salt, seasoning
Black pepper, seasoning
15 grams of wheat flour
Vegetable oil 50 grams
Onion (sliced) 50 grams
Carrot (diced) 70 grams
Celery (diced) 70 grams
Garlic (crushed) 20 grams
40 grams of concentrated tomato puree
Belgian dark beer 150g
Beef stock 650g
2 bay leaves
1 gram fresh thyme leaves
Ground black pepper, seasoning
Salt, seasoning
1 liter palm oil for frying
Yellow mustard 30 grams
1 g Italian parsley (coarsely chopped)
Scroll up to see Chef Ar's tutorial in the clip.
Hat Yai fried chicken
Elevate your ordinary fried chicken at a party with Hat Yai fried chicken. Just hearing the name makes your stomach growl because of the long-standing reputation for deliciousness. Think of crispy fried shallots eaten with a juicy fried chicken recipe, along with tips on how to make the chicken crispy for a long time.
Using pomegranate, palm oil for frying, no trans fat, finish with a little dipping sauce, grab some sticky rice, delicious, filling, easy to make, sells well, guaranteed delicious recipe from Chef O. Let's see the recipe and how to make it.
Pomegranate, palm oil (for frying)
60 grams of sliced shallots
15 grams of Thai garlic
¼ teaspoon ground cumin
¼ teaspoon white peppercorns
½ teaspoon coriander seeds
Seasoning sauce ½ tbsp.
Pomegranate, palm oil (for marinating) 15 grams
¾ teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon seasoning powder
¾ tablespoon brown sugar
25 grams of wheat flour
30 ml of plain water
1 piece of chicken leg with hip
Dipping sauce ingredients
10 grams of red chili peppers
1 coriander root
Garlic 20 grams
2 tablespoons water
50 ml vinegar
1 teaspoon salt
120 grams of granulated sugar
1. Fry the shallots by adding sliced shallots to the pomegranate palm oil, which will help keep them crispy for longer and also has no trans fat. And do not use too high heat, because it may cause the fried shallots to not be crispy.
2. After the shallots are fried, the next step is to make the dipping sauce by pounding the red chili, coriander root, and garlic in the quantities above until they are finely ground.
3. Add 2 tablespoons of water to the pot, followed by vinegar, salt, and sugar according to the amount of dipping sauce mentioned above. Bring to a boil. When the water boils, add the ingredients we pounded (from step 2) into the pot. Stir to mix. Then turn off the gas.
4. Make the chicken marinade by putting the ingredients in the green letters in a mortar and pounding until fine. Then put it in the container where we will marinate the chicken and add the ingredients in the blue letters. Mix until it is well blended. Then put the chicken legs with hips in to marinate for at least 30 minutes.
5. Place in a pan, skin side down first, over low to medium heat. Once cooked, party is ready!
Pizza with 5 toppings
Introducing another popular menu at parties that is worth selling: pizza, a fast food from Italy. We have selected a secret recipe for entrepreneurs to sell with 5 toppings. Because it is an easy menu, easy to eat, a favorite of both children and adults. We just need pizza dough, sprinkle with delicious, quality ingredients like Super Chef , and put it in the oven. It's done! In addition to creating pizza with many toppings, it can also be used to make many other menus. Let's see the ingredients and how to make it.
Ingredients for pizza with sliced ham and bacon
1 sheet pizza dough
Ready-made pizza sauce 25 grams
Super Chef Bacon Sliced Ham 20g
Onion 5 grams
Mozzarella cheese 20 grams
BBQ Bologna Chicken Pizza Ingredients
1 sheet pizza dough
Ready-made pizza sauce 25 grams
Super Chef Bologna 20g
10 grams of diced chicken breast
Bell pepper 5 grams
10 grams of barbecue sauce
Mozzarella cheese 20 grams
Seafood Pizza Ingredients
1 sheet pizza dough
Ready-made pizza sauce 25 grams
Crab sticks 20 grams
4 small white shrimps
Bell pepper 5 grams
Onion 5 grams
Mozzarella cheese 20 grams
Hawaiian Pizza Ingredients
1 sheet pizza dough
Ready-made pizza sauce 25 grams
Super Chef Pork Ham 20g
15 grams of pineapple
Tomatoes 5 grams
Mozzarella cheese 20 grams
Meat Feast Pizza Ingredients
1 sheet pizza dough
Ready-made pizza sauce 25 grams
Super Chef Crispy Chicken Sausage 15g
Super Chef Ham Strips 20g
10 grams of sliced pork belly
Mozzarella cheese 20 grams
Spread the pizza dough with ready-made pizza sauce.
Top with toppings and ingredients in each recipe and finish with mozzarella cheese.
Bake at 200 degrees Celsius for about 8 minutes or until the cheese is golden brown as desired.
Served with tomato sauce.
Grilled Pork with BBQ Sauce
It's a party season, how can we miss out on grilled pork! Introducing grilled pork with barbecue sauce from Chef Pan, using pork as an ingredient to create a Chinese-style menu. To make it delicious, you have to take care from the time you marinate the pork with Dek Somboon brand green-capped seasoning sauce to give it a soft, smooth, and aromatic texture. Once marinated, grill it, while also brushing on barbecue sauce. Now it's ready to serve, easy and delicious, and it doesn't take long to make.
Pork marinade ingredients
300 grams of pork loin
1 tablespoon sweet red sauce
1 tablespoon garlic
1 tablespoon shallots
1 tablespoon coriander root
1 teaspoon crushed soybean paste
1 tablespoon of Dek Somboon brand oyster sauce
½ teaspoon pepper
1 teaspoon cornstarch
Green cap seasoning sauce, Dek Somboon brand, 1 tablespoon
Barbecue sauce ingredients
1 tablespoon sweet red sauce
½ tablespoon crushed soybean paste
1 tablespoon oyster sauce
1 teaspoon garlic
1 teaspoon shallots
1 teaspoon coriander root
½ teaspoon pepper
1 tablespoon of Dek Somboon brand soy sauce
1 teaspoon cornstarch
1. Marinate the pork loin with the marinade ingredients above, in the quantities according to the recipe.
2. Season the marinated pork with Dek Somboon brand green cap seasoning sauce to enhance the aroma and delicious, well-rounded flavor. Marinate for 10 minutes.
3. Make the barbecue sauce by mixing the barbecue sauce ingredients together.
4. Grill the pork without overcooking it, as this will make it too tough. Once one side is cooked, apply the barbecue sauce. Do this on both sides and it is ready to serve.
Pig Pig Party
Soft, frozen pork, marinated and ready to serve because it has been trimmed.
Soft pork with white sesame, frozen . Delicious and soft pork. The added aroma of sesame is not to be missed!
Soft pork with black pepper, frozen, deliciously spicy, fun to eat.
Soft pork marinated in Mala pepper, frozen, to satisfy customers who love Mala.
You can buy it at Makro or buy it online. Click here.
Frozen soft pork
Soft pork with white sesame, frozen
Soft pork with black pepper, frozen
Frozen marinated soft pork with Mala pepper
Stir-fry sauce ingredients
Oyster sauce 15 grams
Seasoning sauce 20 grams
30 grams of granulated sugar
3 grams of salt
15 grams of vinegar
50 grams of chopped fermented bean curd
Sriracha chili sauce 100 grams
100 grams of tomato sauce
30 grams of water
15 grams minced garlic
Ingredients for hot pan grilling
15 grams minced garlic
Vegetable oil 30 grams
120 grams of grated mozzarella cheese
Vegetables as desired
How to make sauce
Add the stir-fry sauce ingredients according to the quantities above and mix well.
Now, we come to the hot pan grilling step by pouring vegetable oil into the pan, followed by the minced garlic. Stir-fry until the garlic starts to turn light brown, then add the pork and stir-fry.
Pour the prepared sauce over the pork and mix well. Sprinkle with vegetables as desired. Finish with shredded mozzarella cheese. When the cheese melts, it's ready to eat!
You can buy Suki sauce with Mala recipe. Grilled pork dipping sauce and Cantonese sukiyaki dipping sauce, served with pork party to enhance the delicious taste even more.
Share the recipe and method for making toast on a stick. You can hold it and eat it at a party without making a mess. Or you can sell it in the morning as a light meal. Or you can sell it in the evening as a snack. It answers the needs of children, teenagers, and working-age customers very well. It's also easy to make. Just pour the toppings on the bread according to the customer's preference and it's ready to serve. You can buy the ingredients and equipment here. Click.
Aero Sandwich Bread 1 loaf
Aero Garlic Butter 20g
Aero Margarine 20 grams
Aero white sugar 10 grams
Aero sweetened condensed creamer 20 grams
Aero Strawberry Topping 30g
Aero Chocolate Topping 20g
Aero Blueberry Topping 30g
Aero shredded chicken 20 grams
Aero Chili Paste Spread for Bread 30 g.
Cut 1 loaf of sandwich bread into 8 pieces, starting by cutting off the edges of the bread as thinly as possible so as not to eat too much bread, then cutting it up and cutting into 4 pieces.
Insert a skewer into the center of the bread.
Grill each side over medium heat until hot and spread margarine on all sides. Continue grilling until melted and slightly browned to keep the bread crispy for a long time.
Sprinkle sugar on the bread first and sprinkle with toppings as desired. Put in a box and it's ready to serve.
Want to develop a smart shop with full potential from experts for free! Makro X Department of Business Development, Ministry of Commerce organizes a training course on restaurant management, a way to survive in the New Normal era.
Register to join the event for free, click here.
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• Mr. Kittichai Preenoy: Managing Director of Pro Steps 2020 Co., Ltd.
Mobile Food Photography
• Mr. Kasidis Chan: Owner of the page "Teaching Food Photography with a Mobile Phone" Kasidis Studio
Kitchen design and ingredient management
• Chef Wilment Leon: Founder & Chairman Thailand Culinary Academy
Qualifications of participants : 1. Must be in a restaurant business only. 2. Able to participate in the entire 6-day course. 3. Must bring a personal laptop computer and wifi-hotspot signal to the Online Marketing course training day.
Note: March 15, 2021, Burachart Chaiyakon Room, 4th floor, Office of the Permanent Secretary
Applications for both batches are open from today! Until full. Batch 1: March 15, 16, 22, 23, 29, 30, 2021. Batch 2: April 21, 22, 28, 29, and May 5, 6, 2021. Location: Business Development Training Center, 6th floor, Department of Business Development, Ministry of Commerce.
To register for the event, click here. The team will check the information and select those who pass the criteria and will notify you of the results. The 1st batch will be announced on March 10, 2021. The 2nd batch will be announced on April 9, 2021.
#MakroHoReCaAcademy #FoodBusinessPartner #KnowThisAndYouWillNeverFail #Makro #RestaurantBusiness #MHA #DepartmentOfBusinessDevelopment #MinistryOfCommerce #DBD #MOC #RestaurantManagementCourse