Want to have a dessert menu that is delicious and suits the Thai palate? We recommend "Sticky Rice with Coconut Milk" with a sweet, creamy taste, juicy coconut milk, and fragrant aroma. Eat it with "Mango", a fruit with a slightly sour, slightly sweet taste. It's perfectly delicious. If you want to make it to sell, create income, create a career, MHA gives away how to make Sticky Rice with Coconut Milk, starting from how to polish the rice to make it shiny, glossy, and beautifully arranged grains, how to make coconut milk and how to make coconut milk topping for pouring on sticky rice with salty toppings, including shrimp, custard, and shredded pork.
Let's see how to make sticky rice with coconut milk in this clip, along with a list of ingredients, equipment, and an example of calculating the cost of sticky rice with coconut milk!
Recommended sticky rice equipment list
Recommended sticky rice equipment list
Cost per serving
Plus an example of calculating the cost of sticky rice.
Plus an example of calculating the cost of sticky rice.
Special price for business starter kit!
Makro Horeca Academy
“Makro creates careers” to expand million-baht business
With a special price for a career-building menu and a business starter kit
Let's build on the business to be sustainable.
Fight together with Makro Horeca Academy
14 Jul 2021 – 27 Jul 2021
At Makro, only at Srinakarin, Bang Bon, Ram Intra branches
Salaya and Bang Bua Thong
Or order through Makro, click >> https://bit.ly/3xFiDhn