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Spaghetti with crispy chicken sausage franks

food Food type Main Ingredients Take time Serve
Thai 1 chicken 30 minutes 1 place



    1. Bring water to a boil, season with a little salt, and cook spaghetti until cooked, about 10 minutes. Remove and set aside. Toss with olive oil to prevent sticking.
    2. Mix ketchup, chili sauce, soy sauce, natural cane sugar, mix until well blended.
    3. Heat a pan with olive oil and butter, then add garlic, shallots, soaked dried chilies, enoki mushrooms and stir-fry over medium heat.
    4. Add the sliced ​​crispy skinned chicken frankfurters and crispy skinned smoked breakfast chicken sausage into the pan and stir-fry, followed by the spaghetti, sundried tomatoes and the prepared sauce.
    5. Stir to combine the noodles and sauce. Sprinkle with chopped parsley and grated Parmesan cheese. Serve.
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