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Pork blood soup

food Food type Main Ingredients Take time Serve
Thai Soup / Curry / Clear Soup pig 60 minutes 1 place



Making Soup
  1. Place a pot on the stove to boil the soup. Add the seasoning and soup cubes and stir until dissolved.

Making tender pork
  1. Slice the pork into thin slices and place in a container.
  2. Add water, egg white, cornstarch, salt, sugar, seasoning powder, pork flavor, mix everything together and marinate for about 10 minutes.

Making bouncy pork
  1. Put the pork hip, pork fat, ice, season with sesame oil, salt, oyster sauce, sugar, cornstarch, and water in a blender and blend until the ingredients are well blended.
  2. Put the minced pork into a piping bag.

Making pork blood soup
  1. Boil the bouncy pork until cooked. Then scoop the tender pork and pork blood cubes into a basket and boil until cooked. Then add the morning glory and bean sprouts and boil in a pot of soup.
  2. Pour into a bowl, add pork balls, ladle soup over it, sprinkle with fried garlic, Chinese celery, pork rinds, ground pepper, and it’s ready to serve.
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